Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Lame Attempt at a First Post

So here is exactly what the title says... My lame attempt at a first post.

All I can really think of today is how bitter Stephen King sounds in a recent interview wherein he slammed Stephenie Meyer for being a terrible writer. That's not really all that I can think of, it's really just the most recent thing I've heard of... Pretty lazy on my part, actually. Anyway, I can't help but agree with him that Ms. Meyer's writing could be better, but I still think she tells a good story.

Stephen King is probably just upset that a new, inexperienced writer has been dominating the top of the Bestseller lists. Or he's just angry that someone took his first name, added "ie" to the end, and made it a chick name. All I know is that Stephen King has written around 40 books (so sayeth Wikipedia), and has sold between 300 and 350 million copies worldwide. His first book, "Carrie," (published in 1973) sold 13,000 copies in hardback, but 1 million copies its first year in paperback. Stephenie Meyer, on the other hand, has written only 5 books. Her first four books (the "Twilight" series) have sold over 40 million copies already. Her first novel, "Twilight," has only been released since 2005.

While Meyer may not have sold as many books as King, it certainly doesn't seem like she's hurting. In around 35 years, Steven King has sold an average of 10 million books a year (if you use the 350 million copy figure). In 3 years, Stephenie Meyer has sold an average of 13.3 million books a year. Advantage-- Stephenie Meyer.

That concludes everything that I felt like mentioning today. I know... pretty lame and ridiculous. Also ridiculous- Stephen King's hair for the past 30 years. (In my opinion, anyway. Which is awesome.)


  1. Well said! Also, thank you for doing math so that I don't have to!

  2. I love Stephen King. He reaks of awesomeness. I especially love the clown in "It"
